About the Carroll County Camera Club

The Carroll County Camera Club is a place for novice and advanced photographers alike to come and share the joys of photography. If you enjoy taking pictures, this club is a great place to share your work, meet others with a similar interest, and expand your knowledge and experience.
Our club is not based on competition, but rather on sharing ideas, techniques, and creativity to the mutual benefit of all of our members.
The Carroll Camera Club is a progressive club. We embrace new ideas and techniques. While most of our membership has made the switch to digital photography we still have lots to offer those still interested in traditional film methods for capturing images.


Our meeting is virtually held on the first Monday of the month at 7:30 PM. Workshops are held at Carroll Nonprofit Center on the third Monday of the month during the winter at 7 PM. During the warm weather months, we often schedule outdoor events and workshops. Always check this website for the latest information.

The location is Carroll Nonprofit Center 255 Clifton Blvd, Westminster, MD, 21157.

1. A detailed map of the meeting room can be found here

Foul Weather

The club follows the Carroll County Board of Education policy concerning inclement weather. Should the CC Board of Education close schools due to the weather, club meetings are also canceled.


Membership in our club includes all programs and workshops, field trips, and participation in our annual gallery show.

Members are invited to submit articles of interest and participate in the online discussion by commenting on the blog.

Yearly membership dues are $40.00 for an individual, $55.00 for a family, and $10.00 for a full-time student under 21. You are welcome to attend three meetings as a guest before deciding to join.

Membership Application

You can fill out this application and mail it to PO Box 1092, Sykesville, MD 21784, or bring it to one of our meetings with your check.


President: Mike  Washington
Vice President: Esther Iglich
Treasurer: Karen James
Secretary, Pro tempore: Cathy Gilleland
Programs Committee: John Marks, Troy Ringley, Ray Sterner
Workshop Committee: Troy Ringley, Steve Aprile, Mitch Edelman
Web Services: Mark Dodd
MPA Rep: Mike Washington

4 thoughts on “About the Carroll County Camera Club”

  1. I new to photography and have no formal experience but, enjoy taking photos. Would this group be appropriate for my skill level ?

  2. I would like to sit in on a meeting soon, I live in Westminster, Where should I go?

    Also, how long do these meetings/workshops usually run?

  3. I would be interested in sitting in on your next meeting. Can attendance information be forwarded? Thanks.

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